Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Big City

What is your reason to live in a big city?
1. to be rich (or at least richer...)
2. to become star
3. to follow my girlfriend/boyfriend/wife(s?)/husband/lover(s?)/friend
4. no reason, don't know other choices
5. everybody I know doing it, seems rational to follow them
6. to reach certain level quality of live (education/career/expertise/...)
7. to feel the loneliness of city habitants
8. to enjoy the facility of a big city
9. ... (feel free to fill the blanks)

Now... have you become the one you've always want to be?

View from the 53rd

In one afternoon...
Thinking what everyone's doing right now... Feeling blessed to have an opportunity to see the sunset... To stand above, even just for awhile, and to feel the warmth of the sunlight indirectly touches the faces...
Feeling lonely and loved in one time... Lonely as black sand among the white sands... Loved as a first tear of a mother to her child...
Feeling blessed and failed at the same time... Blessed for the person I am right now.... Failed for the person I want to be...

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Craters of Tangkuban Prahu

Queen Crater

Domas Crater